Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Day~

First i would like to apologise to those who visited my blog on thursday to read comics. I did not update on that day cos i am really busy doing something. And also if you are here today for my blogging about food, then i am sorry once again, i wanted to blog about something else today so you can check back tomorrow, i will post about it tomorrow.

You know, i waited for this day for so long already, the end of my SWE work attachment!!! YAHOO~ After today i am free for one month, which i really need cos i am planning to do something. Something la...

Like i said, today is my last day on attachment, i received a certificate from the Ports Department, this one:

I am glad that i got the certificate cos not everyone on attachment in other organisation got it. And i would like to thank those who taught me things while i am on attachment and also those who care for me.

Other than this, i would also like to congratulate my cousin, Edda engaging to the one she loved. And thanks for the engagement dinner.

I don't have the new pic, so...

So overall today is a busy day, so as tomorrow. So as the day after tomorrow and also the day after tomorrow tomorrow, and so on. LOL

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